Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Questions for the Author...

What questions would you ask the author if he were here in front of you? What choices has Bloor made that you would question?


Anonymous said...

As I read through this book I have had many questions like.. What were you thinkning when you wrote this book.. what was on your mind? Were you going through a hard time? Why did u pick this topic to write a story on? Why is Erik so mean to Paul? How come so many people die?

Anonymous said...

If I could ask the author ( Edward Bloor) any question i would ask "why did you make Paul have an eye problem in this novel"? I would ask this because it always made me wonder why Paul has this mysterious eye problem.

Anonymous said...

I would ask him what happened to Charlie Burns and why did he just disappear?Also,what is happening between Paul and Joey and are they friends anymore?

Anonymous said...

Questions I would ask the author would be "How come Paul and Joey got into a huge fight all of a sudden?" I ask this because they were really great friends a short while ago, and now they seem to have become bitter rivals.

Anonymous said...

A question I would have for the author would be; Why are there so many sad parts in this book?:)

Anonymous said...

Jessica, I really liked your questions to the author. I think it is really interesting to consider what was going on with the author when they are writing. Are they having personal issues? Did they have a similar experience in their life? What do you all think happened to Mr. Bloor to cause him to write in the characters and events that occur in Tangerine.

Anonymous said...

I see where you are coming from j.wright iwould ask the same thing.Some one getting kicked off the team is not cool.

Anonymous said...

If Edward Bloor were here right in front of me some of the questions i would ask would be like for one why are Arhur and Erik so mean especially how cruel they were acting by laughing how Mike looked when he died. Also, i would ask why did he change Paul throughout the story? From being the quiet shy guy he has changed and become someone who stands up for himself, especially to his father and who knows maybe even Erik. I have been wondering like J.Wright about why you decided to make Paul have a eye problem in the story? I agree with J. Wright about it being mysterious and all because whenever Paul talks about his eye problem he says it all ominously that it makes me wonder why you made Paul have a eye problem in the story.

Anonymous said...

i agree with pj because people died,paul's parent's didn't pay much attention to him,paul couldn't pay soccer when he was attending lake windsor because of his eyesight,and his brother seemed mean to him.

Anonymous said...

If I met the author of the book "Tangerine", Edward Bloor, and he was standing in front of me, I would ask him some questions. Some of the questions I would ask him would be, "Why did you want to write this book?" or "What made you write this book?" Another question would be "Can you connect to any of the characters in this book?" I would ask these questions because I like this book and it is very interesting. I would definitely reccomend this book to anyone in the school or anyone period.

Anonymous said...

While I continue to read your book I have had a multitude of questions like .... Are you "Erik" or are you one of the charecters? How come there are so many deaths? Did you experience any
people that were close to you dying? How did you come up with the sinkhole? I do very much like your book!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Its really cool to be talking to a real publisher over the internet and I cant wait for more of your books to be written!! to start, I have some questions for you like: what inspired you to write this book?, also: Is this based upon a true story? and: how did you feel when you compleated this book?-excited,happy,glad,nervouse?? ect..
Any way thank for taking time to read my comment and i will, for sure, read the very next book that comes out!! Thanks again!!-Alexis Prillaman<3

Anonymous said...

While reading this story I have developed many questions for the author. Some of these questions include "How did you decide to choose the characteristics of the characters"? Also "What was your first thought when the book came out"? "Are you proud of how the book turned out"? Lastly “if you could go back in time would you want to change anything in the book"?