Monday, December 22, 2008


The Fisher family made some interesting parenting decisions throughout the story. If you were the parents of Erik, how would you have handled some of the situations he got into? For example, spray painting Paul in the eyes, stealing the jewelry, killing Arthur Bauer?


Anonymous said...

Hopefully having kids one day, I think about this question seriously. If my son EVER hurt another one of my children, he would be in BIG trouble! I feel like the Fisher parents didn't do anything about Erik's horrible behavior. From the spray paint to stealing the jewelry, they kept trying to get him out of the bad situations he got himself into. How was Erik ever supposed to understand what right vs. wrong is if they always were trying to hid/fix the problem, rather then face it head on? I hope I don't do that with my own kids one day!

Anonymous said...

If I ever ever see one of my siblings huring another person I would hit them for doing that.

Anonymous said...

in the future if erik was my son i would have ask him why he stole the jewlery from other houses & then i would tell his father to lecture him & when his father was done i would tell him since he wants to act like a adult he can go down stairs and talk to the police like an adult!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If my son did anything like that he wouldn't be out of his room for a long time.First spray painting someones eyes one of the most important part of your boby i would have sent him to theropy or something. STEALING thats a crime and like they say in jail dont do the crime if you cant do the time. If he was my son and I caught him stealing his world would be coming to and end.

Anonymous said...

I think the fisher family are the worst parents. They dont talk to erik about what he did but when paul does one thing wrong he goes to catholic shcool. If it was me would have sent erik to military school and sprayed him in his eyes with spray paint and tell him to never play football again

Anonymous said...

I dont think the Fishers are very good parents! No one should get away with My dad is a lawyer and doesn't think that anyone should get away with anything that is trulely there fault! Even if my siblings and I were to get in that type of trouble he would still believe that, just like the Fishers should have! Maybe Arthur would be alive if they were punished the way they shoud have been!

Anonymous said...

S. Brosius

I agree and disagree with you! I believe that Erik Fisher needed to get punished, but maybe if he were punished correctly the first time he wouldn't have done half the things that he did!

Anonymous said...

L Blum I totally agree with you because thats what I would do. But the only thing I would do differently would to get the cops and make the people who committed the certain crime talk to the cops.

Anonymous said...

gee i don't know,send him to boot camp?lol i wouldn't let my kid(if i have one which i probably don't want)go as far as erik killing people and stealing.he/she would be grounded for life!

Anonymous said...

If I was the Fisher parents I doubt that Erik would be living him my house and I am suprised that he wasnt in jail already. Erik was the one who had possession of the black jack also and there was no reason for Arthur to hit the kid. Erik should be punished and I would also be upset that Paul got expelled

Anonymous said...

I think that Pauls parents are really bad at parenting because they did not tell Paul the fact that Erik made him partially blind, he had to figure it out by himself. I mean he didn't even find out from his brother that he did it, but he had to have a flashback so he could remember what happened. I also think that Paul's dad was wrapped up in the Erik Fisher Football Dream, that he didn't even know, or cared that his son was a dangerous person and that caused a lot of trouble in Lake Windsor Downs!!!

Anonymous said...

if i were the father of a kid like eric i would ground him for life and take away all his things for three months.

Anonymous said...

Not to sure on what I would do. I guess I would send Erik to a institution of some sort to have him learn something. Maybe I would be more watchful, more strict towards his actions.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Seth Brosius. If my son were to spray paint in someones eyes he would not see daylight for a long time. Also, i agree with Seth about the thing with stealing is a crime that is really true. But i would give my son some help then maybe take him to a psychiatrist or maybe get some help because if he did things like that i would know something is not really right. The fisher parents parenting skills are really poor since instead of ounishing erik for doing wrong they were encouraging him to do bad because they tried to fix the situation themselves by hiding the fact he did something wrong. When i grow up and hopefully have kids i will never make that same mistake because someone who steals and hurts people should definetely be punished.

Anonymous said...

I think parents have kined hard jobs and still are learning new things.they have jobs like:feeding us,takeing care of us/get us ready for school,and many other things.I think When I have a kid or kids I will go thorh the same stuff all pearents go thorh and I hope my kids learn that too.

Anonymous said...

If I was his mom I would not let him do any thing any more. The only thing I would let him do is go to school and let him eat.

Anonymous said...

Hey Preston De. your right. Erik needs to go to some sort of corection center. He is a total phsyco and needs professional help. He may be a good kicker but he seems more like OJ Simpson.

Anonymous said...

Erik is a horrible brother. He ruined Pauls life by blinding him with spray paint. If I were Erik's parent, he would have no life. Saying that he is grounded is an understatement. Then, robbing and killing?! He would have no football career. He would be home schooled and I would turn him into the police myself.

Anonymous said...

Hey SEth, I agree with you completely! Erik would so have no life.

Anonymous said...

Me haveing found out that Erik spray painted paul's eyes would have set me off of the edge. No son of mine would act like that. I don't care if he made it up he would be put up for adoption. The jewlry i wouldn't help him out of that he would have to pay for everything stolen. When he goes to jail he would stay there untill the sentence was up.

Anonymous said...

If I was the parents of Erik I would most defently be upset! I would deffently ground him for a veryy long time!!!! He would have to appoligize to Paul because of everything that he did. The Fisher parents didnt even do anything about what Erik did and it seemed like Erik always got away with everything that he did! To me it doesnt seem fair! I would never let my kids (when i have kids) get away with anything like that!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think that the Fisher family should have controlled Eric better and if i were the family i would have grounded him for the logest time he would be in soooo much trouble.

Anonymous said...

Jonathon is right, I would ground him or at least resrain him from what he loves. But it wasn't actually him that did it, he told other people to do it for him.

Anonymous said...

well if i was the mother of ERIC i would be a way better parent then the fishers was they did not discipline ERIC good see if i was ERICS mother i would`ve maid him stop playin football so he could learn his lesson

Anonymous said...

If I were Erik Fisher's parent I definitly would have handled the situation better than just letting him get away with it! That is just crazy, those parents are bad parents. He should not be able to hurt people and just get away with it. I would have sent him some where so he could get help for his problems because he is dangerous and hurts the people around him. I would also have kept him away from Paul after the spray paint thing happened. A lot of things would need to happen for all of the bad things he did. But those are just a few of them.

Anonymous said...

I think that the fisher family are rude and are unstable family and need counciling really bad.Erik needs to grow up.